Never buy or sell online without using Escrow

Our platform allows vendors and customers to confidently work together. We handle store integration, so all transactions run through escrow.
If there are any issues in the sales process, we make sure it gets handled right.

How it works

For Vendors

All orders pass through Safe Escrow.

The vendor either uses our shopping cart system or integrates us as a payment processor in their own system.

We hold the transaction until the product is delivered and approved.

For Customers

Look for our logo on participating stores.

  Your transaction runs through escrow, ensuring you won't be scammed.

If anything goes wrong, you can file a dispute with us, and we'll resolve it.

That's it! The system is transparent and works on all transactions!

Most popular Sellers

Top Vendor of the Year


Top Vendor of the Month

Imperial Market

Best Newbie

PP Transfer Weekly

Vendor Packages


0.010 BTC Setup

Most Popular

0.014 BTC Setup

Enterprise PACKAGE

0.016 BTC Setup

Contact us at for information, or to open an account with us.